
Our customers expect the highest standards from us, that’s only right and natural. We in turn expect the same from our growers and suppliers. We work very closely with our growers and there is mutual understanding that quality produce is an absolute must. To implement this objective, we have focused on the below critical points.



We created a team of experienced, cooperative and leading potato growers with which we maintain excellent relationships. Each of them applies integrated crop management in line with international standards such as ‘Globalgap’. Their potato crops are monitored throughout their course from experienced agronomists. We offer them advice on crop health, guidance on seed potato varieties and training on the latest agribusiness trends and developments. Furthermore every year we make a selection of the newest and most promising potato varieties and in corporation with our farmers we grow them in order to evaluate their performance in Cyprus conditions. Those with positive evaluation are then listed in our production varieties list and grown in bigger scale, of course after potential sales markets have been found.


Harvesting and packing

Handling of potatoes is another very important step in ensuring high quality products. That’s why we are constantly testing growers and packing house equipment, which is used for harvesting and packing of potatoes. According to the results of measurement and if necessary, we advise our growers to upgrade their equipment and we do the same for our packing machinery. All the packages which are used for packing are also monitored regularly.


Quality checks

In a specially designed laboratory, we make all the necessary quality control checks (before, during and after packing) in order to ensure the provision of a high quality product. For every quality check that is made we hold records and sample of the product.


European and International standards

Both the cultivation and packaging of products is done in accordance with European and International standards. ‘Globalgap’ integrated in crop management, ‘ISO 22000:2005’ applies to packaging food safety and always according to our customer’s requirements we implement other applicable standards such as ‘M&S Field to Fork’ etc. We are also registered to SEDEX, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange.